【版本 2】栈借用
原文: Stacked Borrows 2 | 作者:Ralf Jung | 2019 年 04 月 30 日 | IRLO
最近,我 大幅更新 了 Stack Borrows,以修复上一版本中未涉及的处理共享引用方面的一些问题。
在这篇文章中,我将描述新版本是什么样子,以及它与 Stacked Borrow 1 有何不同。
- Stacked Borrows: An Aliasing Model For Rust 是本系列的第一篇文章,描述了我在开始实现它们之前对栈借用的初步想法。它给出的一些背景可能很有趣,但在很大程度上被下一篇文章所取代。
- Stacked Borrows Implemented 描述了栈借用的第 1 个版本,以及我实施它的经验。它是独立的;我对我在最初帖子中的一些解释不满意,所以我决定再试一次。如果你还在了解栈借用,这是一篇值得一读的文章。
- Barriers and Two-phase Borrows in Stacked Borrows 描述了我是如何扩展栈借用版本 1、部分支持两阶段借用,并解释了“屏障”的概念。除了特别提到屏障和两阶段借款的部分,你不一定要读过这篇文章才能理解栈借用版本 2。
译者注:由于这篇文章开始出现了版本的概念,为了减少不必要的名词翻译,我使用 SB 来表示栈借用 (stacked borrows),使用 SB1 和 SB2 表示它的第一个和第二个版本。
我想用 SB2 解决的问题是,SB1 只对共享引用执行了很少的跟踪。我的想法是,如果位置无论如何都是只读的,那么授予任何人读访问权限都不会有什么坏处。
然而,正如 @arielby 所指出的, 在函数接收到可变引用(它应该没有别名),然后从这个可变引用创建共享引用的情况下,这会导致丧失潜在的优化:
fn main() { let x = &mut 0u32; let p = x as *mut u32; foo(x, p); } fn foo(a: &mut u32, y: *mut u32) -> u32 { *a = 1; let _b = &*a; // This freezes `*a`. Frozen locations can be read by any raw pointer. let _val = unsafe { *y }; // Hence, this legal in Stacked Borrows. *a = 2; // But we might want to drop the earlier `*a = 1` because it gets overwritten! _val }
SB1 允许任何原始指针读取被冻结的位置。基本上,一旦一个位置被冻结,我们就不会跟踪哪个指针被允许读取;此时,我们允许所有指针读取。
然而,这意味着上面的 &*a
(重新借用可变引用作为共享引用)有一个意外的副作用,即允许原始指针读取 *a
这违反了 a
是唯一指针的想法:我们想删除第一次写入 (*a = 1
),因为它稍后会被覆盖,同时没有通过 a
进行读取。问题是,通过 y
进行别名读取,因此删除看似多余的写入会将 foo
的返回值从 1
改为 0
。因此,像我们在这里使用指向同一事物的 a
和 y
肯定是未定义的行为,然而,SB1 认为上面的例子是合法的。
为了解决这个问题,我不得不用其他东西取代“冻结”的机制。请记住,在 SB1 中,当创建共享引用时,我们存储了它发生的时间戳, 并在内存中记录了该引用所指向的位置从现在起一直处于冻结状态。每当使用共享引用时,我们都会检查该位置是否至少自创建引用以来被冻结。 这与可变引用不同,在可变引用中,借用栈中需要存在该引用唯一确切的 ID。
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub struct Item { /// The pointers the permission is granted to. tag: Tag, /// The permission this item grants. perm: Permission, } pub enum Permission { /// Grants unique mutable access. Unique, /// Grants shared mutable access. SharedReadWrite, /// Greants shared read-only access. SharedReadOnly, } }
pub struct Stack {
borrows: Vec<Item>
pub type PtrId = u64;
pub enum Tag {
就像以前一样,每次重新标签时都会选择新的 Tag
;特别是每当使用 &mut <expr>
和 & <expr>
假设某个标签为 tag
(granting item) ,然后删除不兼容的项 (incompatible item)。
或 Unique
—— 我们认为具有 SharedReadOnly
权限的项不授予写访问权限。这个项授予标签为 tag
的指针执行给定访问的权限,因此被叫做“授予权限的项”(在 SB1 中,相同的概念被称为“匹配项” (matching
[ Item { tag: Tagged(0), perm: Unique },
Item { tag: Tagged(1), perm: SharedReadOnly} ]
那么索引 1 处的项授予标签为 Tagged(1)
的读访问;索引 0 处的项授予标签为 Tagged(0)
的读/写访问,但是任何项都不授予标签为 Tagged(1)
[ (0: Unique), (1: SharedReadOnly) ]
[ (0: Unique), (Untagged: SharedReadWrite), (Untagged: SharedReadOnly) ]
则索引 2 处的项授予 Untagged
指针的读访问权限,而仅在索引 1 处授予 Untagged
这实现了在最初的 SB1 中就已经存在想法:使用一个指针不允许将来使用另一个指针。例如,如果当前栈是
[ (0: Unique), (1: Unique) ]
那么使用 Tagged(0)
指针进行任何类型的访问都应该从栈中删除 1: Unique
这与 SB1 中的部分内容一致,在该部分中,项从栈中弹出,直到授予权限的项位于顶部。也就是说,授予
权限与栈上一级项的 Unique
[ (0: Unique), (1: SharedReadOnly), (2: SharedReadOnly) ]
这次,有两个指针进行读取 Tagged(1)
和 Tagged(2)
换句话说,授予 SharedReadOnly
权限与其他 SharedReadOnly
权限兼容,因此当使用 SharedReadOnly
权限授予访问权限时,会保持其上方的其他 SharedReadOnly
有时,兼容性取决于执行的访问类型:在上面的示例中,如果我们使用 Tagged(0)
指针写入,则应该删除 SharedReadOnly
但是,我们也可以只使用 Tagded(0)
指针来读取!这是为了允许 这样的 安全代码从具有别名的可变和共享引用中交错读取。
要实现这一点, 在读取时,Unique
权限只与其他 Unique
所兼容的权限→ ↓授予权限的项 (granting item) | Unique | SharedReadWrite | SharedReadOnly |
Unique | 否 | 只读 | 只读 |
SharedReadWrite | 否 | 是 | 只读 |
SharedReadOnly | 否 | 否 | 只读 |
因此,如果授予权限的项具有 SharedReadWrite
权限,则栈中位于其上方的所有 Unique
都将被移除。这确保了那些 SharedReadOnly
我将在 后面 讨论为什么严格的栈规则不起作用。但我觉得在这一点上重命名整个东西会更令人困惑,而且元素在“栈”中的顺序仍然很重要,所以我保留了这个名称。
在 SB2 中,当指针被解引用时,不会发生更多操作:标签只与实际访问有关。这种简化是可能的,因为访问规则现在比以前更复杂,因此不需要对解引用操作进行额外的检查。
(具体地说,以前的解引用检查依赖于对正确处理内部可变性,需要知道访问发生在哪种 Rust 类型上;但现在所有这些信息都使用
/ SharedReadOnly
标签进行编码。这不再依赖类型,还修复了一个关于 UnsafeCell
的 烦人问题。)
- “当使用任何一个
指针的 父指针时,Unique
权限。 - “当位置被写入时,
在一般性地讨论重新标签之前,先看看给我们启发的示例,看看在 SB2 中重新标签是如何工作的,以及如何定义此程序会导致 UB:
fn main() {
let x = &mut 0u32;
Retag(x); // Tagged(0)
// Stack: [ (0: Unique) ]
let p = x as *mut u32;
Retag([raw] p); // Untagged
// Stack: [ (0: Unique), (Untagged: SharedReadWrite) ]
foo(x, p);
fn foo(a: &mut u32, y: *mut u32) -> u32 {
Retag(a); // Tagged(1)
// Stack: [ (0: Unique), (1: Unique) ]
*a = 1;
let _b = &*a;
Retag(_b); // Tagged(2)
// Stack: [ (0: Unique), (1: Unique), (2: SharedReadOnly) ]
// UB: y is Untagged, and there is no granting item in the stack!
let _val = unsafe { *y };
*a = 2;
Initially, x
with tag Tagged(0)
is the only reference, and the stack says that this is the only pointer with any kind of permission.
Next, we cast x
to a raw pointer.
The raw retagging of p
turns p
into an Untagged
pointer, and adds a new item granting Untagged
pointers SharedReadWrite
(Really, in the MIR it will say &mut *x as *mut u32
, so there will be an additional Unique
permission for the temporary mutable reference, but that makes no difference and I hope we will change that eventually.)
&mutx表示为mut u32,因此临时可变引用将有一个额外的
Then foo
gets called, which starts with the usual retagging of all reference arguments.
is originally Tagged(0)
, and retagging a mutable reference acts like an access (just like in Stacked Borrows 1), so the first thing that happens is that all items above the granting item that are incompatible with a write access for a Unique
permission get removed from the stack.
In our case, this means that the Untagged: SharedReadWrite
gets removed.
Then, a
gets the new tag Tagged(1)
and 1: Unique
gets pushed on top of the stack.
Nothing interesting happens when writing to a
When _b
gets created, it gets assigned the new tag Tagged(2)
, and a new item 2: SharedReadOnly
is pushed to the stack.
As we can see, shared and mutable references no longer differ in the tag they carry; the only difference is what kind of permission they get granted.
(I think this is a nice improvement from Stacked Borrows 1, where shared references had a different kind of tag. In particular, transmutes between mutable references and shared pointers no longer need any kind of special treatment.)
Finally, we come to the interesting point: the program reads from y
That pointer is Untagged
, and there is no item granting any access to such pointers, and thus the access is UB!
This is in contrast to Stacked Borrows 1, where instead of 2: SharedReadOnly
we set a special "frozen" marker on this location that would, as a side-effect, also grant untagged pointers like y
read-only access.
In general, during retagging, we start with some original tag used by our "parent" pointer, and we have a fresh tag N
that will be used for the new pointer.
We have to decide which permission to grant so this tag, and where in the "stack" to insert it.
(We will not always insert new items at the top---again, as we will see following a strict stack discipline does not work.)
All of this happens for every location that the reference covers (as determined by its type).
Retagging a mutable reference.
The simplest case of retagging is handling mutable references:
just like in Stacked Borrows 1, this starts by performing the actions of a write access with the parent tag.
permissions are incompatible with anything on a write, so all items above the granting item get removed.
Then we add N: Unique
on top of the stack to grant the new tag unique access to this location.
This encodes the idea that mutable references must be used in a well-nested way---if you just consider mutable references, Stacked Borrows 2 still follows a stack discipline.
Retagging a shared reference.
When retagging a shared reference, we have to be mindful of UnsafeCell
Outside of UnsafeCell
, we start by performing the actions of a read access with the parent tag.
Then we push N: SharedReadOnly
on top of the borrow stack.
This way, we grant the new pointer read-only access but make sure that it gets invalidated on the next write through any aliasing pointer (because all write-granting items are below us, and thus we test for compatibility when they get used).
There might be items left between the granting item and the one we just added, but that's okay: if any of them gets used for reading, that will be compatible with the SharedReadOnly
according to our table above; and if any of them gets used for writing then it is important that our SharedReadOnly
gets removed.
When we are inside an UnsafeCell
, we will not perform the actions of a memory access!
Interior mutability allows all sorts of crazy aliasing, and in particular, one can call a function with signature
{% highlight rust %}
fn aliasing(refcell: &RefCellinner
points into refcell
, i.e., the two pointers overlap!
Retagging refcell
must not remove the Unique
item associated with inner
中时,我们不会执行内存访问的操作!内部可变性允许各种疯狂的别名,尤其是可以调用签名为{%Highlight Rust%}fn别名的函数(refcell:&RefCell,Internal:&mut I32){%endHighlight%},使得inner
So, when retagging inside an UnsafeCell
, we find the write-granting item for the parent's tag, and then we add N: SharedReadWrite
just above it.
This grants write access, as is clearly needed for interior mutability.
We cannot add the new item at the top of the stack because that would add it on top of the item granting inner
Any write to inner
would remove our item from the stack!
Instead, we make our item sit just on top of its parent, reflecting the way one pointer got derived from the other.
Retagging a raw pointer.
Retagging for raw pointers happens only immediately after a reference-to-raw-pointer cast.
Unlike in Stacked Borrows 1, retagging depends on whether this is a *const T
or *mut T
pointer---this is a departure from the principle that these two types are basically the same (except for variance).
I have recently learned that the borrow checker actually handles *mut
and *const*
casts differently; also see this long comment.
Given that the idea of Stacked Borrows is to start with what the borrow checker does and extrapolate to a dynamic model that also encompasses raw pointers, I felt that it makes sense for now to mirror this behavior in Stacked Borrows.
This is certainly not a final decision though, and I feel we should eventually have a discussion whether we should make the borrow checker and Stacked Borrows both treat *const T
and *mut T
the same.
重新标签原始指针。原始指针的重新标签仅在对原始指针的引用强制转换之后立即发生。与SB1不同,重新标签取决于这是*const T‘还是
*mut T’指针-这背离了这两种类型基本相同的原则(除了差异)。我最近了解到,借用检查器实际上处理*mu
强制转换的方式是不同的;另请参阅这条长评论。考虑到SB的想法是从借用检查器所做的事情开始,并外推到也包含原始指针的动态模型,我觉得现在在SB中反映这种行为是有意义的。不过,这肯定不是最终的决定,我觉得我们最终应该讨论一下,是否应该让借阅检查器和栈借用都将*const T‘和
*mut T’视为相同。
When casting to a *mut T
, we basically behave like in the above case for inside an UnsafeCell
behind a shared reference: we find the write-granting item for our parent's tag, and we add Untagged: SharedReadWrite
just on top of it.
The way compatibility is defined for SharedReadWrite
, there can be many such items next to each other on the stack, and using any one of them will not affect the others.
However, writing with a Unique
permission further up the stack will invalidate all of them, reflecting the idea that when writing to a mutable reference, all raw pointers previously created from this reference become invalid.
当强制转换为*mut T
When casting to a *const T
, we behave just like retagging for a shared reference &T
(including being mindful of UnsafeCell
There isn't really anything that a *const T
can do that a shared reference cannot (both in terms of aliasing and mutation), so modeling them the same way makes sense.
当强制转换为*const T
)。实际上,`*const T‘并不能做共享引用所不能做的任何事情(就别名和突变而言),所以以相同的方式对它们建模是有意义的。
Two-phase borrows
Stacked Borrows 1 [had some support for two-phase borrows]({% post_url 2018-12-26-stacked-borrows-barriers %}), but some advanced forms of two-phase borrows that used to be allowed by the borrow checker could not be handled.
With the additional flexibility of Stacked Borrows 2 and its departure from a strict stack discipline, it is possible to accept at least the known examples of this pattern that were previously rejected:
{% highlight rust %}
fn two_phase_overlapping1() {
let mut x = vec![];
let p = &x;
{% endhighlight %}
Previously, when the implicit reborrow of x
in x.push
got executed, that would remove the item for p
from the stack.
This happens as part of the implicit write access that occurs when a mutable reference gets retagged.
With Stacked Borrows 2, we can do something else:
when retagging a two-phase mutable borrow, we do not perform the actions of a write access.
Instead, we just find the write-granting item for our parent's tag, and then add N: Unique
just above it.
This has the consequence that on the first write access to this new pointer, everything on top of it will be removed, but until then the existing item for p
remains on the stack and can be used just as before.
堆叠借用1[对两阶段借用有一些支持]({%post_url 2018-12-26-STACKED-LOBLES-BALENTS%}),但借用检查器过去允许的一些高级形式的两阶段借用无法处理。利用SB2的额外灵活性及其与严格的栈规则的背离,可以至少接受先前被拒绝的这种模式的已知示例:{%Highlight Rust%}fn Two_Phase_Overlapping1(){let mut x=vec![];let p=&x;x.ush(p.len());}{%endHighth%%}以前,当执行对x.ush
Just like with Stacked Borrows 1, we then proceed by doing a shared reborrow of the parent's tag from N
This way, the parent pointer can be used in the ways a shared reference can (including writes, if there is interior mutability) without invalidating N
This is somewhat strange because we then have "parent tag - new tag - parent tag" on the stack in that order, so we no longer properly reflect the way pointers got derived from each other.
More analysis will be needed to figure out the consequences of this.
We should also try to fully understand the effect this "weak" form of a mutable reborrow (without a virtual write access) has on the optimizations that can be performed. Most of the cases of Stacked Borrows violations I found in the standard library are caused by the fact that even just creating a mutable reference asserts that it is unique and invalidates aliasing pointers, so if we could weaken that we would remove one of the most common causes of UB caused by Stacked Borrows. On the other hand, this means that the compiler will have a harder time reordering uses of mutable references with function calls, because there are fewer cases where a mutable reference is actually assumed to be unique.
Barriers are dead, long live protectors
With the departure from a strict stack discipline, I also had to re-think the concept of [barriers]({% post_url 2018-12-26-stacked-borrows-barriers %}).
The name was anyway terrible, so I replaced barriers by protectors: an Item
actually consists not only of a Tag
and a Permission
, but also optionally of a "protector" represented as a CallId
referencing some function call (i.e., some stack frame).
As long as that function call is running, the item with the protector may not be removed from the stack (or else we have UB).
This has pretty much the same effects as barriers did in Stacked Borrows 1.
由于背离了严格的栈规则,我也不得不重新思考[Bills]({%post_url 2018-12-26-STACKED-LOWROWS-BALENTS%})的概念。不管怎么说,这个名字很糟糕,所以我用保护器替换了屏障:实际上,Item
The biggest surprise for me in designing Stacked Borrows 2 was that I was not able to enforce a strict stack discipline any more.
For retagging, that is only partially surprising; really in Stacked Borrows 1 we already added barriers below the "frozen" marker sitting next to a stack, and the aliasing
example with the RefCell
mentioned above only worked due to a hack that relied on reusing existing items in the middle of the stack instead of pushing a new one.
However, I had initially hoped that the rules for memory accesses would be slightly different:
my plan was that after finding the granting item, we would seek upwards through the stack and find the first incompatible item, and then remove everything starting there.
That would be a stack discipline; we would basically pop items until all items above the granting item are compatible.
在设计栈借用2时,对我来说最大的惊喜是我不能再执行严格的堆叠规则。对于重新标签,这只是一部分令人惊讶的事情;实际上,在Stack Borrow 1中,我们已经在栈旁边的“冻结”标签下添加了屏障,上面提到的RefCell
Unfortunately, that would reject many reasonable programs, such as:
{% highlight rust %}
fn test(x: &mut [i32]) -> i32 { unsafe {
let raw = x.as_mut_ptr(); // implicitly: as_mut_ptr(&mut *x)
let _val = x[1];
return *raw;
} }
{% endhighlight %}
The issue with this example is that when calling as_mut_ptr
, we reborrow x
So after the first line the stack would look something like (using x
as notation for x
's tag)
不幸的是,这将拒绝许多合理的程序,例如:{%Highlight Rust%}FN test(x:&mut[I32])->I32{unSafe{let raw=x.as_mut_ptr();//隐式:as_mut_ptr(&mutx)let_val=x[1];Returnraw;}}{%endHighlight%}这个示例的问题是,当调用as_mut_ptr
[ ..., (x: Unique), (_: Unique), (Untagged: SharedReadWrite) ]
In other words, there would be some Unique
item between the items for x
and raw
When reading from x
in the second line, we determine that this Unique
tag is not compatible.
This is important; we have to ensure that any access from a parent pointer invalidates Unique
pointers---that's what makes them unique!
However, if we follow a stack discipline, that means we have to pop the Untagged: SharedReadWrite
and the _: Unique
off the stack, making the third line UB because the raw pointer got invalidated.
seems like a perfectly reasonable function, and in fact this pattern is used in the standard library.
So in order to allow such code, accesses in Stacked Borrows 2 do not follow a stack discipline:
we remove all incompatible items above the granting item and ignore any interleaved compatible items.
As a consequence, line 2 in the above program removes _: Unique
but keeps Untagged: SharedReadWrite
, so line 3 is okay.
However, this means we also accept the following, even if we eventually do fully precise tracking of raw pointers: {% highlight rust %} fn main() { unsafe { let x = &mut 0; let raw1 = x as *mut _; // Stack: [ (x: Unique), (raw1: SharedReadWrite) ]
然而,这意味着我们也接受以下内容,即使我们最终完全精确跟踪原始指针:{%Highlight Rust%}fn main(){unSafe{let x=&mut 0;let raw1=x as*mut_;//Stack:[(X:Unique),(raw1:SharedReadWite)]
let tmp = &mut *raw1; let raw2 = tmp as *mut _; // Stack: [ (x: Unique), (raw1: SharedReadWrite), (tmp: Unique), (raw2: SharedReadWrite) ]
让tmp=&mutraw1;让raw2=tmp asmut_;//栈:[(X:唯一),(raw1:共享读写),(tMP:唯一),(raw2:共享读写)]
*raw1 = 1; // This will invalidate tmp, but not raw2. // Stack: [ (x: Unique), (raw1: SharedReadWrite), (raw2: SharedReadWrite) ]
let _val = *raw2;
} }
{% endhighlight %}
Naively I would assume that if we tell LLVM that tmp
is a unique pointer, it will conclude that raw2
cannot alias with raw1
as that was not derived from tmp
, and hence LLVM might conclude that _val
must be 0.
This means the program above would have to have UB.
However, in the current framework I do not see a way to make it UB without also making the reasonable example from the beginning of this section UB.
So maybe we can find a way to express to LLVM precisely what we mean, or maybe we can only exploit some of these properties in home-grown optimizations, or maybe we find a way to have UB in the second example but not in the first.
(Like, maybe we do the stack-like behavior on writes but keep the more lenient current behavior on reads? That seems annoying to implement though. Maybe a stack is just the wrong data structure, and we should use something more tree-like.)
Stacked Borrows 2 shares with Stacked Borrows 1 just the general structure: pointers are tagged, and there is a per-location stack indicating which tags are allowed to perform which kinds of operations on this location.
In the new version, shared references are tagged the same way as mutable references (just with an ID to distinguish multiple references pointing to the same location); the stack keeps track of which IDs are read-only (shared) pointers and which are unique (mutable) pointers.
The only operations affected by Stacked Borrows 2 are memory accesses and the Retag
instructions explicitly represented in the MIR; there is no longer any action on a pointer dereference.
This balances the extra complexity of the new access rules (the new implementation is actually a dozen lines shorter than the old, despite long comments).
The "stack" is unfortunately not used in a completely stack-like fashion though.
I leave it as an exercise to the reader to convince yourself that the [key properties of Stacked Borrows 1]({% post_url 2018-11-16-stacked-borrows-implementation %}#5-key-properties) still hold, and that uniqueness of mutable references is maintained even if we do a shared reborrow, as long as we keep that shared reference to ourselves.
我把它作为一个练习留给读者来说服自己,[堆叠借用的关键属性1]({%post_url 2018-11-16-STACKED-LOBROWS-Implementation%}#5-Key-Properties)仍然有效,而且即使我们进行共享再借用,可变引用的唯一性也会保持不变,只要我们将共享引用保留给自己。
The new model gives some wiggle-room in both the notion of which permissions are compatible with others and where exactly which permissions are added in the "stack" in a reborrow. We could use that wiggle-room to experiment with a bunch of closely related models to see how they affect which code gets accepted and analyze their impact on optimizations.
I am quite excited by this new model! It puts us into a good position to do more precise tracking for raw pointers, similar to what already happens for shared references (and something I was worried about in the original model). That will be needed for compatibility with LLVM. However, there are still some known issues, and also the fact that we do not actually use the "stack" as a stack indicates that maybe we should use a different structure there (potentially something more like a tree). This is definitely not the final word, but I think it is a step in the right direction, and I am curious to see how it works out. As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please join the discussion in the forums!