个人搜集的1、关于 Rust 和操作系统材料(与训练营无关)。
- Philipp Oppermann's blog: Writing an OS in Rust:这应该无人不晓吧...
- This Month in Rust OSDev:Rust OS 开发月报,就在 Philipp 的博客里面,基本是 Rust + OS 的社区动态总结(比如来自社区项目代码和博客)
- Redox:a Unix-like Operating System written in Rust, aiming to bring the innovations of Rust to a modern microkernel and full set of applications.
- EuraliOS
- A hobby x86-64 operating system written in Rust
- Disclaimer: This was written by someone who doesn’t (or didn’t) know anything about Rust or operating systems. The result is probably not idiomatic Rust or a sensible OS design. If you are looking for a usable operating system implemented in Rust then Redox OS is probably what you want.
- Pico Pico - Embedded Programming with Rust:使用 Rust 在 Raspberry Pi Pico 2 中进行外设实验
这几年我浏览的 Rust + OS 的帖子不少,但从未想过搜集起来,从现在开始列一份清单吧,像我入门 Rust 那样 吧:)
- How to work with !Sized types in Rust:来自嵌入式流行库 heapless 的 VecView PR 作者,看起来涉及 const generics/unsafe 等高级主题。